DHC African mango tree [Ellagic acid] 60tablets 30days

DHC African mango tree [Ellagic acid] 60tablets 30days

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Made in JAPAN

"GINZA TOMATO Bodyfirst (African mango tree)" has been discontinued. This product contains the same amount of African mango tree [Ellagic acid].


It takes 3 days to ship.

"Ellagic acid" has been reported to help reduce body fat, triglycerides, body weight, and waist circumference and help improve higher BMI levels.

60tablets (30days)
2tablets / 1day

Please take with water etc. 30-60 minutes before meals.
It is recommended that you take 2tablets before the main meal of the day.

Ellagic acid: 3mg
in 2tablets

"Foods with Function Claims" in JAPAN
information: https://www.caa.go.jp/policies/policy/food_labeling/information/pamphlets/pdf/151224_1.pdf

Registration number : D188
